to John across the kitchen from the sink.]
Hank Winthrop:
“I said… I don’t. I don’t think anything of it. I don’t think about it at all. Does that answer your question?”
[John sits stunned at the table, mouth hanging agape, shocked at the response that was nothing like the one he expected to hear.]
Hank Winthrop:
“What? Surprise you did it? Did you just expect me to call up one of those sleazy low-lives that drag into here trying to sign you up for their tournaments and don’t give a rat’s ass about your well-being? You want me to sign you up for whatever fight I can get you into, huh?”
[John is visibly taken aback. He wasn’t prepared for this from Hank. He had figured that there would be some opposition, but this was nowhere near what h expected.]
“Well… no… but I…”
[Hank turned around at the sink shutting the water off to give John his full attention.]
Hank Winthrop:
“John… you are better than most of the guys that I have trained. I have pushed you harder and further than I have ever pushed one of my students before, and not only did you not break, you succeeded with flying colors. You have gone through every rigorous training I could come up with, when most of the time, I was just trying to make you quit. No one I have ever trained has gone through what you have in the last two years. John… I have total faith in your abilities, but their kinds of fights, those kinds of men, are not the kinds of men, and definitely not the kinds of fights we need to deal with to get your legitimate career started.”
[John thought about it for a moment before he smiled and looked up at his foster father.]
“But… you agree that it is time to start looking to get me booked and get my career as a fighter off the ground?”
[Hank looked hard at John, his old eyes piercing right through him like a laser beam, before his features softened and Hank actually smiled back at the young man.]
Hank Winthrop:
“Yes John, I do think it is about time to get your career underway. I was just waiting on you to ask me. Let me make a few phone calls, and we will see what I can get worked out, OK?
[John leaps out of the seat and bounds across the kitchen in one step, wrapping Hank in his arms in a huge hug. John was beside himself with excitement. Finally… Hank was going to let him actually get into the ring and fight.]
Johnathan Cable:
“The first time I ever saw that ugly little troll Tony was standing right here next to the ring. He came by one day to try to book me at one of his shows. Hank knew exactly what he wanted, and told him to shove off. Tony was very persistent. That was how Tony got his hooks into me. It was what ended my professional fighting career for the big time before it ever got started. I remember coming through the doors, and that guy was standing over hank, kicking him. Hank looked like he had been worked over pretty bad. I lost it.”
[The scene fades back to the gym the next year. On the wall over the ring was plastered a huge poster advertising an event coming up.]
April 17th
Come one, Come all…
The Gym presents
“Golden Gloves for Futures”
A charity event showcasing hot young talent new to the Golden Gloves Circuit
Raising money to help fight Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Come see the best fighters in Jacksonville
Sebastian ‘the Machine’ Harrison
The Hometown Hero
Johnathan Cable
Johnathan Cable:
“It was only three weeks away.”
[The camera pans down to see this guy… long brown hair tied tightly with a black band, wearing a tight black tee shirt and jeans, his black leather boots shined to a polish, kicking Hank in the midsection. The double doors to the front hallway swing open suddenly, and in walks Johnathan Cable, a smile spread across his face from ear to ear, for just… one… moment. As soon as that moment passed, his face contorted into a grotesque mask much like one he might wear today. Rage filled him, and his anguish uncoiled within him. The anger and hate that simmered inside of him had finally found a release, and in that moment, a brutally ugly monster filled Johnathan’s soul, as he ripped into this unknown man who was trying to take Hank away from him.]
“Leave him alone you son of a bitch!”
[John screamed at the man as he began to cover the distance between them, his anger flaring hotly from within his eyes. The rage overtaking him, John stepped twice, planting a foot firmly on the seat of a machine nearby his intended path, and pushed with all his might. The muscle of his leg coiled tight, and extended. His might propelled him upwards as the man came at him, and then, John knew he was about to take his second life, and he looked forward to it. This was the thing that Hank had warned him against. This was the monster that dwelt inside of Hank too, and why he knew all too well that it was hard to fight back into its cage once released. This was the thing that flashed in Hank’s eyes that night some years past now, when he saved John’s life, and this was the same thing John now used to fuel himself to save Hank. John soared across a row of weight benches, and landed, both feet firmly planted in the center of the man’s chest, driving him backwards into the ground. As he hit the floor, and John’s weight crashed down on top of him, John pushed off, with both feet, launching himself forward into a tumbling roll. The man’s ribs cracked with a loud snap that echoed against the steel walls of the gym, and gave way under the strain. His scream was terrifying to say the least. The excruciating pain of breaking nearly all of his ribs simultaneously sent him almost immediately into shock, and he slumped to the floor on his back, with his head rolled to one side. Cable, still enraged, rolls to his feet before the body even stops moving. He takes three giant strides towards the man on the practice mat, pulls his leg back in mid stride, and kicks him in the temple as hard as he can. The man’s head snaps sideways quickly as the sharp crack of his neck can be heard. The force of the impact spins the man around on the floor, and blood sprays the blue training mat in an arc of droplets and splatters. The scene moves forward with John checking on the bloodied but unharmed Hank, and then on the very dead man John had found here that night. He talked to Hank a minute, then called the police. Hank had told him that they had nothing to hide, so he was to call and make the report. John had saved his life, and Hank was grateful. The police came, and John told them what he knew of Tony, and where they could find him.]
Johnathan Cable:
“Tony expected them and was eating dinner at an upscale downtown restaurant. He caused a huge scene when they brought him in for questioning. It made the Channel 4 News that same night. His spin doctors tried to use every excuse in the book as to why his detainment was unconstitutional and some said even violated his civil rights. There was no proof that the man who died that night on the blue training mats with his blood splattered uselessly across the floor in a blossom of red worked for Tony, or that he had ever spoken to him at all. There was nothing that tied Tony to the man at all, but I knew. Hank knew too, and that was all I needed to want nothing more than to make Tony pay for what he had done to Hank.”
[The scene fades back into the gym. Hank is walking slow laps around the ring. John is running the ropes, rifling back and forth as the ring shakes and trembles. He launches himself first off of one rope then takes three giant steps before turning and launching himself off the other side. Back and forth, each boot fall perfectly in time, rhythmically droning on as John runs back and forth tirelessly as the ropes and bolts creak under the strain of his weight flying into the ropes with all his might. The wood slats that make up the frame of the ring grind in their slots on the ring posts as the weight shifts from one side to the other inside the ring.]
Johnathan Cable:
“The night Tony got out of lock-up, he came by. I rushed him as soon as I saw him, but Hank stopped me. He wouldn’t let me kill the bastard where he stood. Tony told me that if I didn’t agree to compete in his tournament the week before my charity fight, that some more visitors would come, and he would hate to see anything bad happen. I agreed. I didn’t care what he did to me… I just wanted him to leave Hank out of it. As it turned out, the week before the charity fight came, and Tony was full of surprises for sure. He sent three of his bruisers in to the cage after me when I refused to finish off the guy I fought that night. I told him that I wouldn’t kill for him. He didn’t like my answer, so I killed the three lap dogs he sicked on me to prove my point. After word got out to the national sponsors by way of Tony’s connections what happened and how I now had five confirmed violent homicides, the fight promoters pulled out of the event all together. The whole thing went south faster than it got hyped up, and before my in-ring career ever got started, it was over. I know now that was Tony’s plan all along. He wanted to force me into fighting for him to earn the cash needed to keep the gym running after the scandal I caused. I did it, and I took my cheap shots every chance I got, but he made a boat load of money of my fights, so he kept me around as long as he could stand to look at me. Those four of Tony’s goons weren’t the last of them either. Before it was all said and done… after Vivian… the bodies started to pile up. It took me a long time to come to terms with everything after that. Doctor Curtis helped me get it all straight, and afterwards I came home to the gym, and home to Hank. He knew the monster running around inside of me, and he knew what I was going through. Between Hank and the Doc, they got me right again… eventually.”
[The scene fades to present day… John is standing on top of a pile of ash and rubble, taking in the damage around him. He looks around at all of the charred pieces of his life, piles of memories that have been stripped away from him in a moment… and for what? To prove what point?
Johnathan Cable:
“After Vivian, I thought my life was over. I loved her for sure… but it was an immature love. It was a fleeting kind of love, but in the moment, when she was taken away from me… It devastated me. For what seemed like ages I locked myself away, and until Hank brought in Doctor Curtis, I was on a one way trip to no-where’s-ville.”
[John walks towards the rows of mangled machines slowly, pushing random object with the toe of his boot as he picks his way across the mounds of debris and ash.]
Johnathan Cable:
“Time passed, and my career with the EWCL took off. In the three years with them, we brought a bunch of new talent through the gym, and Hank had the opportunity to touch even more lives. Mystic and I started the Legion, which changed to the New Breed after the first year or so. We added some new talent, and then Mystic retired. Now that was a bitching party. Aaron and I hooked up and won the EWCL Tag Team Titles, and that is how I met Jessica. I remember the first day I saw her. She came through the double doors of the gym, and I saw her from the ring. I was mesmerized by her. I melted, my feet felt like lead, and my brain was swimming. My tongue swelled up in my mouth, and then it hit me. No… not some miraculous revelation about life in general… Oh no. I got hit with a missile drop kick from the top rope by my tag team partner. Aaron and I were working on some moves when Jessica came in that first day, and I just forgot he was up there. He clocked me square in the face… and then told me to stay away from his sister. A few months later, Jessica and I were planning our wedding. Aaron and I had a few rounds about it, but eventually he came around to the idea. Soon enough, Jessica and I were married at Treaty Oak in downtown Jacksonville. “
[The scene fades in to a quiet city street in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. It is early afternoon, and already, the sun is beating down on the world with all of its great fury. Just away from the road, is a tall wrought iron fence set in even taller ornate brick columns. A couple of people in nice suits or summer dresses came and went, and a mother walks by with her two children, as they head towards a pretty nice hotel just a block down the road. Inside the entryway, stands a massive oak tree easily centuries old. It limb are twisted together, and its leaves grow into one another along its interlaced cross-hatching of twiggy branches. The ends of its extremities have grown so long, and gotten so heavy that the branches bow deeply, and the ends of the longer ones drag along the ground as they sway in the light breeze of the Florida summer. Beneath the behemoth standing for ages right here, watching the world grow and change around it, is a very large, very old wooden deck. The boards are faded by the years of rain and shine, and warped in places, or cracked and splitting along their entire length. The years have been many since this place was built and sanctioned as a park in Jacksonville, and while worn and withered through the years, its beauty has only grown more so.]
[We see John nearby, making his way from the parking garage behind the park to the warped deck, aged by time. He takes his place before the Justice, and turns to face her calmly. People are assembled around, standing wherever they can find a place that isn't in the way of the other guests. None of them can wait to see Jessica in her dress... and then, as the moments slide by, the time comes. There is a collective gasp of joy from the crowd, and a turning in unison of the masses to look towards the entryway to the park. There, glittering in the bright sunlight, stand Jessica is her flowing white dress. Her red hair is piled high on her head, and allowed to flow freely down her back. Her thin white straps cling to her shoulders, and her dress flows downward across her fair skin. She begins to walk towards the deck as the sound of the 'Wedding March' begins to play on live instruments behind the crowd. John's buddy Mike had brought his band, and played for the wedding. They joked early on in the day that they would probably play the 'Imperial March' when John made his way 'down the aisle', but Jess had caught wind of it... and firmly put a stop to that. After all, today was her day, and she would have no shenanigans. As Jessica made her way up to the deck, John, cried softly to himself. He had never been happier in his entire life... until later that same day.]
[After the wedding ceremony, John, Jessica, and the entirety of the gathered crowd made their way back to the gym for the reception. There were far more people gathered for the reception than there had been for the wedding, and that was how the newlyweds wanted it. The wedding was for their small group of family and friends, and the party that ensued after was for everyone they knew. There was a massive five tier butter-pecan cake that Jessica had made all by herself. John's friend's band played all night long, and well into the morning... but the best part of the entire night, at least to John, was when they arrived at the gym after the wedding. Already, nearly a hundred people were piled inside, getting the festivities together for the new couple. Most of them had been there since the night before. Hank had offered to have them all stay overnight there. Jessica was camping at her maid of honor's house, and John definitely was not interested in being in the big house all alone the night before his wedding. He needed people around him to distract him from the next day's big event. When the newlyweds arrived, John grabbed his new wife up into his arms, and carried her through the narrow white wood screen door and into the well-lit front hallway surrounded by family and friends all cheering for them, and their happy day. As he made his way through the big double doors and into the gym, John cheered for himself, caught up in the emotions of the moment, and Jessica laughed as she kissed him passionately. He had never seen her happier... and in this place, they were finally home. They were surrounded by men and women that they loved and loved them in return, and neither of them could have been happier with the day. The party was a hit... and finally, well into the morning, as the last stragglers were either settling down for the night there at the gym, or heading out into the world to go back to their homes. John finally made his way upstairs with his wife, and she excused herself while he got ready to crawl into his bed for the first time with his new wife.]
[John threw on a pair of boxers, and climbed into bed. He was exhausted after the madness of the day, and while he was very interested in making is new bride a very happy wife, the next day would be even longer than today, if that was even possible.]
[Minutes passed, and John nearly fell asleep by himself in their big comfy bed. Then the door to the bathroom creaked open, and John thought he was dreaming. Jessica slid slowly out of the bathroom door, sliding her body against the wooden frame of the door, and then turning, looking at John, biting her bottom lip gently.]
Jessica Cable:
“So... do you like it?”
Johnathan Cable:
“I... uh.. um...”
[John stares at her in shock. Usually, Jessica wasn't one for sexy lingerie. She was more the type to rip the clothes on the way to the bed and get right to it, but tonight was special it seemed. John smiled the biggest grin he could, and enthusiastically nodded his head in agreement.]
Johnathan Cable:
“Yes... very much. Where have you been hiding it?”
[Jessica smiled, and laughed softly at him.]
Jessica Cable:
“Just never-you-mind mister. I had it hidden away, and it doesn’t matter where. All that matters is that you like it.”
[Jessica made her way slowly towards the bed as John sat up, and slid to the edge hanging his feet off the side. She moved towards him, slowly, as he reached his hands out towards her. She came into his reach, his fingertips trailed along her bare hips, and around her back as he pulled her close to him. He pressed his face against her stomach, and hugged her close to him. He wrapped both arms around her slender waist, and just held her for a long moment while she stroked his hair slowly, thinking about the day... allowing the realization that she was now in fact Mrs. Johnathan Cable to sink in fully before she slid one leg up, breaking the embrace, and over his thigh, and then followed it with her other leg. Jessica slid down into his lap, her legs straddling his hips, as she looked down at her new husband and kissed him gently on the forehead. His hands slid slowly along her back, and then trailed across her ass as he pulled her closer and closer to him.]
[A low moan escaped her lips as his touch drives her wild. His fingers slid across her bare skin... it was like a raging fire with every light touch, his nails trailing across her flesh, goosebumps raising across her back and shoulders as she shivers... feeling every inch of her sexy frame. She arched her back backwards as he pressed against her stomach with one hand, sliding slowly upwards, and under the front of her bra strap. She slid her fingers out of his hair, and moved her arms upwards, over her head gracefully, running her fingers through her own hair as he slid his other hand around behind her, and snapped the clasps off of her bra with two fingers. His first hand slid upwards still, clinging to the bra, now free of her, as he slid it over her shoulders and tossed it to the floor nonchalantly, never taking his eyes off of her in the dim light of the few candles lit on their dresser. He presses his hands into her back, pulling her to him closer yet, as his mouth explores her bare skin. He gently bites at her ribs, and trails his tongue around her side as she straddles him. Her hands run through his hair, her finger tips tangled in his brown locks, pulling at his head as he teases her with his teeth.]
[John, having had enough nicety, trails his hands softly up her back, and grips both hands full of her red hair. He bucks his hips and pulls her over onto the bed, sliding his body over hers as his hands move up to the headboard. He presses his lips against hers hard, his tongue darting into her mouth swirling around hers, pressing with a fully fueled desire. Distracted by his passion, Jessica doesn't realize he has finally found what his fingers fumbled for, as he slides a cold metal cuff over her wrist, and locks it in place. She pulls her face away from his, with a shocked look on her face.]
Jessica Cable:
“Oh... it's one of those kinds of nights is it?”
[Johnathan smiles at her with a devilish grin.]
Johnathan Cable:
“I guess it is now, isn't it?”
[Jessica bucks against him, trying to drive his weight off of her, but he expected it, and braces himself for the push to try and free herself. He holds on to her firmly, and slides his other hand around the second handcuff attached to their headboard. Jessica playfully pulls her arm away from him, and tries in vain to keep it away from him. He grabs her around the wrist, and pulls her arm, straining against him, towards the headboard. She struggles weakly, and finally, John secures the second cuff around her free wrist.]
[John slides out of the bed slowly, and smiles at her, a smile full of passion and intensity.]
Jessica Cable:
“What do you think you are doing? Where are you going?”
Johnathan Cable:
[He says meekly, almost in a playful tone. He makes his way to the bedside stand, and opens a drawer slowly as her eyes go wide. She smiles in spite of herself... as John draws a long leather flogger from the drawer. The black leather tendrils are attached to a short handle, and the soft leather slides over his hand as he draws the soft fingers of hide through his grip. He slowly climbs back in to the bed, getting onto his knees beside her stretched out body, topless, helpless to stop him from having his way with her. His sleepiness has slipped away, and now, his passion rages for his new wife. He takes the flogger, and trails the very tips of the leather against her shoulders, and down her breasts, across her stomach, and then across her cloth covered lips before dragging them slowly down her thighs, across her knees, and down to her feet. John pulls his hand back suddenly, high behind him, and swings the leather strips through the air.]
[The red welts raise immediately on her fair skin, striping her from her ribs, up across her tits, as she sucks in a sharp breath. The sting was sweet, and felt soooo good. John knew how much she liked to feel the leather on her skin... as he raised his arm once more high behind him...]
[The welts again raise immediately, her pale skin now bearing a score or more of fine red lines tracing the trail of the leather across her body. Her nipples stand out, taut, yearning for more. Her lips are twisted in a passionate smile as her mouth opens slowly, and her tongue darts across her lips as she bites down on her bottom lips once more. John slides towards the bottom of the bed, and grabs one of her ankles in his hand. He flips her over bodily, and stands at the foot of the bed now, as he pulls his hand up once more, the tendrils of the flogger slice through the air...]
[Jessica arches her back as the flogger snaps her skin just the way she likes it. Once more, red welts rise on her skin immediately, the lines tracing the path of the leather fingers across her skin. John twirls the flogger through the air, cutting a criss cross figure eight over her back with the leather strips. He brings the flogger down once more...
[And again...]
Crack... Crack... Crack...
[Three more times the leather snaps against Jessica's pale skin, her back now covered in thin red welts as she moans in pleasure. John reaches up with one hand as he trails the leather fingers of the flogger over her skin softly, the supple leather sliding over the welts, stinging each time they cross one. With his free hand, he grabs the white lace panties with the cute pink ribbons at her waist, and tugs once, twice, then three times as he tears the thin material free from her body, and tosses it over his shoulder. Jessica squeals in delight as the flogger's soft leather fingers slide across her skin. John slides into the bed with her again, and places a knee on either side of her knees, bound, face down, stretched out on the bed. John lowers himself towards her, as he grazes his lips across her shoulder, and takes her skin into his mouth, biting down just hard enough to elicit a passionate moan as he sucks on her shoulder softly. His tongue plays up her neck, and around her ear, nibbling on her gently. John raises his empty hand into the air as he is trailing his tongue across her skin, between her shoulder blades, and down her spine, and swings it, connecting full palm to her upturned ass cheek.]
[John grabs her cheek in his hand, and squeezes her flesh in his firm hand. He bites down on her other shoulder as she moans again, and shakes her ass in his hand side to side, pulling on her roughly. He tosses the flogger to the bedside, and uses his free hand to grasp a handful of her scarlet hair again, pulling her head backwards so she can see his face, holding her there, as he breathes a hot, heavy breath onto her sweat slick skin. The cool of the breath on her hot, sweaty body causes her pale skin to goose bump again, and she giggles at the sensation. John lets her hair go as he bites down again on her neck, trailing his teeth across her jaw bone, and driving his tongue into the soft spot just under her ear. He kisses her gently once more, before he lifts her up at the hips, pushing her head down into the soft bed, her sexy ass waving invitingly in the air. John slides out of his shorts as he kisses her shoulders, and gets on his knees behind her. He takes himself into his hand, and with his free hand, he slides his fingers deep inside of her slick slit. First two, then three, and then four, softly at first, but as the moments pass and she wiggles backwards onto his hand, he slides in faster and faster, his thumb playing over her clit, as she is gushing the juices of love and passion onto his hand. John really gets into it, and loses himself in the moment, pulling on her hips so hard her knees come off the bed as she screams at him.]
Jessica Cable:
“Oh ****… JOHN… PLEASE… Give him to me NOW???”
[As John positions himself behind her, the scene fades once more to present day, John standing on a pile of rubble and ash, the only remnants of a life that once was his. His eyes are closed behind the black mask, and he is smiling, openly, his teeth shining white. He lowers his head, and looks up at the camera, his smile still stretched across his face from ear to ear.]
Johnathan Cable:
“Don’t you hate it when you are in the middle of a great dream… and just before every wish you ever made was about to come true… you wake up.? Me too.”
[John looks around and kicks some more chunks of debris that skitter across the piles of ash likes rocks across a pond.]
Johnathan Cable:
“I bet you are just tearing some poor hotel room a new ******* right now, aren’t you Karl? I bet about right now you are just downright pissed off, aren’t you Karl? I mean… at least I use YOUR name Karl. Ask our resident blood thirsty Vodka drunk all about it. I won’t even call Him by name. He isn’t worth it. Even though he beat me on a Special Edition of XWF Impact… he isn’t worth his name on my lips. At least I use your name Sean. At least I recognize you as a competitor at all Karl. At least you have a roof over your head tonight Sean! Look at what I have left Karl… LOOK AT IT!”
[Johnathan extends his arms out to encompass the burned skeleton of what remains of his life. He looks up at the sun high in the clear blue sky, and he lifts his hands towards his face. He places his palms on the sides of his head, and spin around suddenly, as if a maddening pain had taken a hold of him. He claws at the straps holding his mask to his face, and rips them from their latches, pulling the leather away from his head as fast as he can get it off. He inhales a deep breath suddenly, as if he had not been able to breath for a long while, and he tears at his scarred features until they are red and swollen.]
Johnathan Cable:
“Are you happy now Sean? Are you happy now that you have taken away everything I have ever cared about? Was it enough for you that you murdered my father and burned our home and business to the ground, Sean? Was that what you needed to make you feel all better inside after your loss to me last month on the Pay Per View? You killed my dad Sean. You killed him. My Father is dead because of you, Sean… “
“But wait! With the Royal Family… there is always MORE… isn’t there Sean? ISN’T THERE, YOU SON OF A BITCH? Yeah… you wouldn’t be the MOST twisted mother ****er out there if ALL you did to me was burn down my house and kill my father. Oh NO… NOT ****ING SEAN CORVIK! On top of the news that you barbequed the only home I have had since my real parents were murdered, and the only man who ever gave a God DAMN about me is no longer because of you… I found your note. Cute, Corvik. ****ing Adorable! You really knocked one out of the park with this one man… I’ll tell you. Not only do you burn my house to charred cinders and murder my father, but while you and your goons were here, you kidnapped my wife. You came in here, with your greasy filthy ****ing hands and you grabbed her, and your groped her and you shoved her in your dirty ****ing van and you tossed a lighter in on a broken down old man before you sped off with my wife you mother ****er.”
[John takes a long deep breath as he sinks to his knees in the dunes of ash all around him. His head bows, and his arms flop lifelessly to his sides. Tears stream down his scarred face, the salt stinging the scrapes he had inflicted to himself moments ago. As he wails his anguish to the heavens, the ashes drift and float around him, as a gust of wind kicks up bits of charred papers and launches them into the sky.]
“Well, Karl. You seem to have done a fine job this time, now haven’t you? When one tries to gain attention for themselves early on in their career, it can go one of two ways for them. You see, the first way… the way that every single aspiring anything wishes for… is the Tristan Slater start. By chance, he found himself in just the right time and just the right place to earn a championship from the XWF right away. The only thing that truly makes Slater great, is his tenacity to hold on to what belongs to him. His desire to walk away from anything, and still keep the Belt that he knows is his, is the ONLY truly remarkable thing about the man. It’s downright impressive… but it’s all he has. That XWF Championship is what Tristan Slater is made of… and without it… well… he is just ‘A’ Tristan Slater. ‘A’ Tristan Slater shrivels and dies without the spotlight, and will fight to survive like no other animal on this planet. That is how he has kept his Title for as long as he has. To him, there is no option for quit. There is no try again another day. Every day is the only day you get… and Slater understands that… but his beginning was lucky, and nothing else.”
“Now, the second kind of man… the kind who does this massive thing to not just gain notoriety, but to instantly ascend into the stratosphere among the men around you… well you find yourself knowing nothing about a man before you do a thing that will cost you more than you are willing to put up. I learned early on that you never bet on anything unless you can afford to lose what you wager. Sounds like a super smart idea right? Well Karl… you placed a bet with more cash than your ass has jingle, and now… you are ****ed.”
“You see Karl… that gym was everything John had left of the man he called his father. That man SAVED HIS LIFE Karl. He saved his life for Christ sake. But Karl… beyond the fact that it was all that he had left to him from his father, for all your desire to call attention to yourself by setting the house on fire… you didn’t even realize that all you did was make yourself to be like another man… a man who was far more ****ed up than you will ever dream of being. You made yourself out to be a man who was by all accounts, crazier than Shane Carver and THAT GUY’s love child. No ****. Serious real talk here Karl. I want you to know… that when John ran away from the EWCL after rescuing Jessica from the Royal Family, he underwent years of treatment to deal with his hatred of one Sean Corvik. After what Sean did to Jessica, and after killing Hank, and burning down the gym all in one night… He had more hatred in him for Kritical Kondition than any other man on the planet… and then Sean disappeared. That was what finally got John back over the edge before he fell off for good. Sean went away, and no one ever heard of him again. John started to feel safer for his wife as time went on, and now… well now Karl, you have really gone and screwed this thing up pretty good haven’t you?”
“That man down there thinks you are responsible for his father’s death, and his wife’s disappearance and he probably thinks you have raped her. That’s what Sean did. That’s what MacBeth did. That’s what every last one of them did Karl. They took turns holding her down and gang ****ing her Karl… and that man… her husband… thinks that you are the guy that did all of it. Guess who won’t be showing up on Monday at Madness Karl? Oh come on… just take a guess? Not one for guessing games Karl? Are they a little trying for you there little guy? OK… Now I just feel like a guy holding a piece of cake over a fat kids head. Fine… I’ll tell you, but you may not like the answer I give you Karl. Ready? OK… Here it is: Johnathan Cable will not be appearing in your European Title fight this Monday Karl. Yeah… that’s right. John will not be there on Monday.”
“What? Oh what kind of pussy does he think he is? You burn down his house and he has some mental breakdown, and he thinks he can just skip out on your match…?”
“No Karl. He won’t be skipping it either. You see while John won’t be there… that man down there will. You woke the sleeping Beast Karl… and it will be the Beast you face on Monday.”
“Karl… you see… what you had hoped to accomplish in setting his house on fire was the same thing that THAT GUY thought he could accomplish by yelling at him, and even beating him fairly in the middle of the ring… but he failed, and so did you. There was nothing wrong with your plan. Both of you did very good jobs. Your efforts were really cute… but… you see… no matter what YOU do… you still aren’t good enough. You’re a school yard bully picking on asthma patients. You think that when Johnathan was in a lucid, normal state of mind, for just one second, that he didn’t understand why you accepted this match so fast? He knows Karl. Or at least he did until you sent him off the deep end again… and now… God save your soul Karl.”
“But yes… Karl… when he was not this raving animal you have reduced him to over and over again now I imagine with your Lion King/AceVentura/Gay Barnyard-Testube whatever the **** it is that you have probably dribbled onto film and put up this week… he knew exactly why you HAD to accept this match the moment the challenge fell from his mouth.”
“The real truth here Karl… is since Randall Cross screwed John out of the Title and handed it right to you… You NEED to beat John… or your Championship is invalid. That scares you more than anything else in the world doesn’t it, Karl? You are probably pissing in your litter box right now in some bomb shelter just waiting for Monday to pass you right on by before you come out and hand over HIS XWF European Championship, aren’t you? You KNOW that the Belt doesn’t belong to you Karl. You accepted it as your own, and you made all these pretty fluffy banners and posted them all over XWF99.com, and in the end, Karl… when it is all said and done… you wasted the ink. You couldn’t give away all of the damned Karl Cross XWF European Championship **** you have had massed produced fast enough to get rid of all of it before John comes and takes the Belt that is rightfully HIS in the first place. Monday night Karl. You screwed the pooch on this one… and at the end of the night, whether he sees you or he sees Sean Corvik… the ass beating is the same. The only difference is one way, at least you can be proud you were involved in the biggest epic beat down of the XWF Century, and the way, you weren’t even important enough for him to see the real face he was pounding on.”
“I just need to ask you one more thing Karl… if you don’t mind? Why didn’t they make a poll for you Karl? It would have made more sense that way. Barnyard… Test tube… sheep clones? No? Not that funny? I’ll keep trying. Comedy is always a work in progress anyway.“
[The camera pans slowly towards John still sobbing, slumped on his knees in the ashes of his former home.]
Johnathan Cable:
“You have one more day Sean. On more sunset. One more sunrise. One more car ride. One more arena. One more crowd. One more opponent. THIS time… I will ****ing kill you!”
[With that… the scene fades to black.]